
Solution Series


As I’ve said, one of my mantras is it starts and ends with Awareness. When we talk about Spirit, it can be referred to as many names: Consciousness, Presence, God, Universe, Awareness, Soul. We are the very Energy that is Aware of our personal experiences. Thoughts and emotions are always coming and going. 


Oftentimes, people will respond saying they have the same thoughts or feelings that come back over and over again. While I understand and personally deal with mental battles regularly too….we don’t just think one single thing. Let’s say for example that you wake up and you’re craving pizza! All you can think about is that hot, gooey, greasy, cheesy slice of life (is your mouth watering too?). 


Quickly you realize that you don’t have pizza so it’s out of the question for breakfast. You get ready for your day: showering, getting dressed, and get off to work. As you sit at your desk, all you think about is pizza for lunch! Where is the best place, who delivers, is your lunch long enough, will you have to share with the office staff. Let’s stop at lunch: in the above example, at the very basics, 6 other things were thought about. Showering, getting dressed, work, breakfast, lunch, and the staff. It isn’t just “pizza”. 


The point being even with obsessive thoughts and desires, they come and go. Our Awareness is what I refer to as Spirit. The idea of Body, Mind, and Spirit is right on, however, we’re leading with the wrong thing. At Balanced Connections, we lead with Spirit as that is the element that will be a game-changer for you! Taking ancient mystical principles, now with modern science and Changing the 3 Parts of Your Life that Matter Most. 


There is almost too much to talk about as this has been studied ad nauseam and nobody can answer all of the questions. A quick history on me personally, my passion for the Mind started the day I turned 18 and hasn’t stopped. For this purpose, I’m going to talk briefly about 2 elements of the Mind, the conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind is where our thinking, decisions are reasoning are. This is where we decide what to wear, what time we need to leave, how to fix problems, etc. The subconscious mind is on autopilot with breathing, hair growing, blinking. It is also the storehouse of all our beliefs. 


That means that when you believe you are something (good or bad) it comes into our life experience. Think of the person who is confident in their abilities, not to say they won’t make mistakes but it usually works out for them. The same is true for the person who is meek and lacks confidence, they’ll find themselves in smaller situations where that personality fits. 


One thing that we don’t often learn right away (myself included) is the Mind, both conscious and subconscious makes a great servant not a master. That is a bold statement! When we fully identify with our Minds, it is in control. Thoughts can only live in the future or the past. If we don’t train it, and it often requires retraining, it takes what it knows to be true in the past and lives as if that’s a FACT. 


Key Point Folks: the FACT is, that is a mental pattern that has created a belief….no more, no less. Living through that belief is what creates our life’s experience. Here is where it gets a little confusing so I’ll clear it up. A past mental pattern created a belief, now we live through that belief, unAware of how it was created. 


Utilizing Awareness, you’ll start to understand that there is more to life than what you currently have. Because you become Mindful of thoughts, you now have the ability to work with and train those patterns that become beliefs. Remember this is called a practice for a reason. Any skill will sharpen with the right desire, wisdom, and coaching. You’re reading this for a reason. 


Again so much to talk about! Our bodies renew themselves every 7 years. We aren’t the same person at all we were 7 years ago. We have over 1,000 things functioning at the same time. 


Emotions can run our lives, who has let fear or insecurity stop you from doing something you wanted to do?? Right! I’ll venture to say all of us reading this page have had that happen. Or you fall in love and it has you doing something totally out of character? 


We’re not shying away here, there are even times people live through so much depression or anxiety and take their lives. While others have so much compassion they give their lives to the service of others! Thankfully most of us are in between these two. 


Every day we look in the mirror and have some judgment on what we look like. In my 40 years of this writing, I don’t know if a day has gone by where I haven’t looked at myself in the mirror and said I like what I see or I don’t. Either way, it is an opinion on the body. 


Because you’re here, you gain total understanding of how your body works. You work with it from the level of Awareness. Once you understand what your body is saying, it becomes your friend. 


Let’s toss this all together in an easy-to-read package. 

We’re changing the 3 Parts of Your Life that Matter Most! Spirit, Mind, and Body. You will use Mindfulness techniques with basic Spirit(ual) principles. Because you are practicing easy-to-use steps over and over again, you get control over your Body and Mind. 

Stick with this us for a year and you’re life will change.