Are YOU Ready For A Lift?

Balanced Connections is the softer approach to your serious change! Changing the 3 parts of your life that matter most.

Spirit - Mind - Body 

Hey, I’m Dan! I’m not going into myself now, we’ll get to know each other soon! Get excited! 


I had a unique approach to us as people. It is pretty well accepted as humans we have 3 aspects. Spirit, Mind, and Body. 


Small back story 


When it comes to hypnosis (and life) I don’t get caught up in too many techniques as there is always an underlying principle. Out of the thousands and thousands of hypnosis techniques, I noticed that any major change starts and ends with Awareness.


I took an entire weekend course where I learned an awareness induction. It took me years to figure out the profound principle there! Fun fact about that induction: that is my failsafe. Little did I know the path that was being laid. 


Awareness isn’t any more complicated than the act of being aware. We are the ones who are Aware, our bodies and minds are always changing. 

The mind is the most powerful tool we have! The body is always healing and repairing itself...always. I can hear some of you saying “nope, not mine!”. Ha! Exactly the point. Both the mind and body left unobserved will run rampant. 


Any decent mechanic, doctor, accountant, etc. will know where you are starting from. For example: if you come to your mechanic to change a flat tire because you can’t drive and says they washed, waxed, and changed the oil as they hand back your keys???


It is interesting in the field of “self-help” people will so often come and ask to have their tire changed...they left the car down the street…the keys are locked in...I could go on and on. It is also interesting because (I’ve been here too) people will think that hypnosis will take the calories out of pizza or ice cream. 


Hypnosis is a powerful and almost magical process. You, as the person, still can’t stay on a pizza and ice cream diet to lose weight (sticking with the weight example). 


Balanced Connections was born from a few ideas that morphed here. One of them was a “come as you are” mindset. Instead of selling or qualifying you, come and go or come and stay. Know where you are (flat tire), join the sessions (get to the shop), do a few affirmations (have your keys) and your change will be effortless? Nope...the effort is doing some of the basics. 


Thank God the BASICS are EASY almost effortless one could say 🤔


As you are now learning the basic principles and do them a few times over and over (practice) and get decent. The changes happen with less effort. When you do the basics a few more times and get good! The changes are effortless! 


If you go all in and do them a few more don’t need to change (you still will) because you’ll most likely have your ideal life. 


You want to change a “normal thing” the weight on your body, the weight off your shoulders, the weight of worry off your mind, give it some time and you’ll see the changes. 


If it’s something small, just pop on for a month or two. 


Do you want to see drastic changes? No bullshit, join up now for a year and you’ll be different. 


Stick with me for 12 months and your life improves. 


It’s always weird for me to make a sports reference but here we go. Vince Lombardi coach of one of the best football teams of all time started football camp “gentleman this is a football”. 


WOW! Talk about back to the basics! 


We all have something, let’s get back to the basics and get rid of what’s been chewing away your insides. 


I’m looking forward to working with you and getting to know you. 

  • Daniel Cyral Gordon